Federal.money | First Global People Powered Central Bank

Introduction A programmer purchased pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoin (-$30) in 2010. The exact order cost $82M in early 2018 — because of bitcoin's drastic change in price. Not much has changed between then and now when it comes to consumers ability to spend crypto, if anything, the incentive to spend crypto has gone down leading to a significant increase in BTC price. The market research indicates that retailers and consumers are demanding the extension of the interest rates available to the crypto community in the real world. On the other hand, the current crypto-economy demand an outlet for the lending infrastructure beyond financial arbitrage for the financial savvy. Our expansion is from the lessons we learnt over a decade and our goal is to increase the purchasing power of cryptocurrency by providing buyers more and safer outlets to spend their acquired crypto holdings, which will further drive the variety of merchant integrations and expand the market adoption. Price Stable Curre...