● Summary

Everyone loves sport betting, it improve our socialization skills, serves as a good form of leisure and entertainment. Sport betting aids in learning new sports, it create the possibility and potential of winning big bucks which is probably the biggest reason why people choose betting in the first place. The gambling industry as of today is an enormous and ever growing enterprise that worths over $449.3 billion and has created millions of jobs all over the world.

Still with all the uncountable benefits that comes with sport betting, bettors today face huge problems when it comes to winning. The betting industry today is not just broken, but also exploitative. They operates on promises of making bettors rich, but use every trick in their book to confuse and manipulate customers, making them to lose more than they gain. They have mastered the art of using odds to
 onfuse and manipulate bettors, indirectly making bettors to chose what they (the bookies) wants them to chose. They set their odds in a way that they can tell what majority of bettors are going to bet on. They know they are going to lose 80% of their choices. All that is about to change.

Albetrage will put power in the hands of the bettors, eliminating exploitations. Albetrage will achieve this by fostering a self-sustaining platform where everybody can bet with confidence of winning. It will provide the wider global community with ways to bet in sport, that will enable both the bookies and bettors to share betting revenue proportionately.

Albetrage platform eases a complete shift in the area of sport betting, it was developed with the aim of disrupting the betting industry using cryptocurrency and blockchain. It takes away absolute power from the bookies and gives it to the bettors. It will make use of Ate token which is a community driven decentralized crypto currency powered by a decentralized TRC-20 smart contract on the Tron blockchain, to enables global access to its markets.

● Sport Betting

Sports betting is a form of gambling that entails placing a wager, also known as a bet, on the outcome of a sporting event. The primary intent of sports betting is to win additional money. it can also extend to nonathletic events, such as reality show contests and political elections, and non-human contests. it is, in fact, an ancient form of entertainment. It is estimated that the very first bets appeared along with the first sport disciplines. Then people quickly came up with the idea that you can bet on a particular event and even make money while having fun.

The essence of bets has changed over the centuries. Sports betting on the Internet appeared together with the development of the world wide web in the mid-90s. In the beginning because of several difficulties of technological attitude (few people had access to the Internet), Online sports betting was not so hugely demanded. Only after some time, when the Internet has become massively available in our homes, people could discern interesting spending leisure while setting bets on sports.

● Arbitrage Betting

In the financial world, Arbing (Arbitrage), is the process of purchasing something (mostly an asset or product) and then selling it almost immediately in another market for a higher price in order to profit from an imbalance in the price. It is a trade that profits by exploiting the price differences of identical or similar financial instruments on different markets or in different forms.

In sport, arbitrage is quite similar to the financial world, bettors takes advantage of arbitrage betting by exploiting odd differences in multiple bookies for the same event. The point of arbitrage betting is to cover all of the possible results of a sporting event in order to guarantee a profit, regardless of how the event plays out. Arbitrage works when a bettor takes advantage of the different odds offered by different bookmakers, by placing multiple bets on each of the possible outcomes of an event, so long as the odds guarantee you a profit. Arbitrage betting is the only way to make constant profits from sports betting. You don’t even have to rely on your knowledge of sports. Once you have placed an arbitrage bet you have already made profit.

● Mission and Vision

We believe that betting can actually be a source of income for both the bookies and the bettors, it should not work for only the bookies as is obtainable now, who pockets huge sums of money, at the expense of majority of bettors who ends up losing money in the long run. We want betting to be another form of investment where a bettor can bet with the confidence of winning something at the end of the day, rather than depending on luck, that 80% of the time will not work. We wants to put power in the hands of the bettors, eliminating exploitations.

● Ate Token

ATE Token is the fuel of the Albetrage's platform, it is a community driven decentralized cryptocurrency powered by a decentralized TRC-20 smart contract on the Tron blockchain to nourish the connection between blockchain and betting. Ate token will help Albetrage to break the barrier of location which has been a major hindrance to many bettors all over the world. It can be transfered peer to peer and easily traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. it tends to disrupt the way the gambling industries operates because of many advantages it has over fiat, some of which includes

▶ faster settling times
▶ lower transaction fees
▶ higher privacy
▶ transparent and immutable record keeping.

Ate token will enable global access to Albetrage markets. Mere holding ate token will not make the holder a shareholder in Albetrage Ltd, neither will it give the holder any right (of any kind or nature) to the profits generated by Albetrage Ltd.


▶ June 2019: Idea Conception, More team members, Consultations.
▶ December 2019: Albetrage Foundation formed, White paper, More consultations.
▶ May 2020: Platform and Website development, Chatbettor partnership, More consultations.
▶ October 2020: Ate token created, Website Launch, Social media presence.
▶ Ongoing: Airdrops and bounties, Translation campaign, Social media campaign.
▶ Coming up soon: Platform Gamification(dice , casino, lottery etc), More airdrops.
▶ Shortly: Ate private sale, Listing on exchanges, Staking campaign, Albetrage Platform Launch
▶ Shortly: Advertising / marketing, Search Engines Organic SEO and paid marketing, More exchange listings.
▶ Shortly: Migrate to Albetrage blockchain, Team expansion, Full decentralization.
▶ Shortly: Mobile and desktop wallet, More partnerships, Venture capital fund, More ideas implementation.


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Written by: Ninsel


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