Supply chain industry has multiple actors having varying technical capacities. Technical inconsistency blocks efficient data exchange among them. Sharing data often requires manual, time-consuming, and paper-based processes, asking same information and repetitive tasks multiple times. The World Economic Forum estimates that document processing accounts for 20% of the total transportation costs within global trade. USD 7 billion worth of fresh food still spoils before ever reaching a consumer in North America alone due to complex supply chains.

The global trade finance gap-the difference between the demand for and supply of trade finance has reached $1.6 trillion. Existing digital systems are mostly dedicated to specific organizations

and their own environments only. Those systems are hard to be adopted by other players with different conditions. Players who lack IT resources and knowledge can’t build and maintain those systems by themselves. SMEs face the largest obstacles, because they have the most difficulty dealing with the cost and complexity of the procedures and navigating the trade finance process.

What if we have simple and easy-to-use fully digital network like Facebook in supply chain that everyone has equal participation rights, controls their own data, decides whom they want to connect, shares information remotely in unified format, receives real-time notifications, and gets valued based on their performance histories verified by other members in the network instead of complex procedure by single organization? We aim to build the Smart Logistics Hub, a decentralized and democratic digital ecosystem that favors all actors in supply chain regardless of their size and IT capability.

As of today, the Smart hub’s prototype was developed and tested on one of Mongolia’s biggest meat exporters’ inland export shipment to China. OBORTECH is planning to start its Smart hub operation from the second half of 2021. Its goal is to serve 5 % of inland transportation of selected perishable products between Europe and Asia, and intra-Europe by 2025. Being a front-runner in its market to take off–Mongolia, OBORTECH has established partnerships with logistics companies and governmental institutions in Mongolia. It also has partners in Netherlands and Australia. As of now, the project has two companies: OBORTECHglobal OÜ in Estonia and OBORTECH Mongolia LLC in Mongolia. OBORTECHglobal OÜ is a parent company of OBORTECH Mongolia LLC. Until today one of the biggest logistics companies in Mongolia invested in OBORTECH to fund the prototype development.

OBORTECH’s service has become more in demand under current global situation of COVID-19 pandemic. Industry professionals have concluded that supply chains are going to need to be more
flexible and resilient, and able to shift sourcing and distribution in days or weeks, instead of in months or years. Additionally, a fully digital and remotely controlled smart system will greatly reduce contamination risk by limiting physical interactions in supply chain.


▶ Increased operational efficiency and better fleet management
▶ Reduced disputes caused by inconsistent and late data sharing
▶ Broader market access and stronger customer relationship
▶ Better risk analysis and faster trade finance process
▶ Transparency on product traceability and provenance
▶  Increased visibility and accurate planning


Blockchain and cloud powered communication hub

Accessible via easy to use web and mobile user interfaces, and an open API, the Smart Hub brings together supply chain actors, and enable their supply chains to share information, collaborate, conduct data analysis, and validate product traceability in real-time on a trusted platform.

Tamper-proof, unified and online document exchange

The Smart Hub allows secure sharing and exchange of documents with supply chain partners using blockchain powered version control. Authorized parties to any shipment can immediately see when changes have been made, and by whom, along a shipment journey.

▶ IoT based real-time visibility and tracking

IoT sensors are installed on containers/trucks and transmit data to the Smart Hub dashboard to track valuable shipments, monitor their key physical measurements, and protect high-value products against theft. A client gets positioning data for shipment in real-time, irrespective of the shipping carrier they choose.

▶ Open and decentralized networking marketplace

Based on the blockchain based trusted network established among the Smart Hub participants, the marketplace ecosystem will enable verification and scoring of stakeholders in supply chain without the need for third-party credentials. Moreover, the marketplace is a blockchain based decentralized ecosystem that enables buying, selling and exchanging of services without the need of intermediaries among the users.


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Written by: Ninsel


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